Minn. Stat. § 473H.04
Each authority in the metropolitan area having land classified agricultural pursuant to section 273.13 shall certify by resolution using appropriate maps which lands, if any, are eligible for designation as agricultural preserves. Maps shall be in sufficient detail to identify eligible lands by property boundaries. At least two weeks before the resolution is to be adopted, the authority shall publish notice of its intended action in a newspaper having a general circulation within the area of jurisdiction of the authority. No additional lands shall qualify for designation as agricultural preserves until the authority certifies qualification.
Land shall cease to be eligible for designation as an agricultural preserve when the comprehensive plan and zoning for the land have been amended so that the land is no longer planned for long-term agricultural use and is no longer zoned for long-term agricultural use, evidenced by a maximum residential density permitting more than one unit per 40 acres. When changes have been made, the authority shall certify by resolution and appropriate maps which lands are no longer eligible. At least two weeks before the resolution is to be adopted, the authority shall publish a notice of its intended action in a newspaper having a general circulation within the area of jurisdiction of the authority.
The authority shall provide the Metropolitan Council with suitable maps showing any lands certified eligible pursuant to subdivision 1 or decertified pursuant to subdivision 2. The Metropolitan Council shall maintain maps of the metropolitan area showing all certified long-term agricultural lands.
Minn. Stat. § 473H.04
1980 c 566 s 4; 1982 c 523 art 32 s 3,4