Minn. Stat. § 473.6021
In order to accomplish the public purposes set forth in section 473.602; to encourage and facilitate the retention and expansion of airline corporations' facilities, operations, and services in the metropolitan area and the state; to prevent the loss of jobs and encourage and promote the creation of additional jobs in the state in the airline industry and in other businesses in the state served or affected by the airline industry; to promote the continued growth, and reduce the potential for and effects of a decline of economic activity in the metropolitan area and the state; and to ensure the preservation, growth, and diversification of the tax base of the metropolitan area and the state; it is necessary and appropriate and in the public interest to authorize the commission to take the actions described in section 473.667, subdivision 11, and Laws 1991, chapter 350, article 2, section 3.
Minn. Stat. § 473.6021
1991 c 350 art 2 s 2