Minn. Stat. § 469.099
Every two years an authority shall name national or state banks within the state as depositories. Before acting as a depository, a named bank shall give the authority a bond approved as to form and surety by the authority. The bond must be conditioned for the safekeeping and prompt repayment of deposits. The amount of bond must be at least equal to the maximum sums expected to be deposited at any one time.
An authority may deposit all its money from any source in one bank account.
When authority funds are deposited by the treasurer in a bonded depository, the treasurer and the surety on the treasurer's official bond are exempt from liability for the loss of the deposits because of the failure, bankruptcy, or other act or default of the depository. However, an authority may accept assignments of collateral from its depository to secure deposits just as assignments of collateral are permitted by law to secure deposits of the authority's city.
Minn. Stat. § 469.099
1987 c 291 s 100