Minn. Stat. § 72A.139
This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Genetic Discrimination Act."
A health plan company, in determining eligibility for coverage, establishing premiums, limiting coverage, renewing coverage, or any other underwriting decision, shall not, in connection with the offer, sale, or renewal of a health plan:
Subdivisions 5, 6, and 7 apply only to a life insurance company or fraternal benefit society requiring a genetic test for the purpose of determining insurability under a policy of life insurance.
If an individual agrees to take a genetic test, the life insurance company or fraternal benefit society shall obtain the individual's written informed consent for the test. Written informed consent must include, at a minimum, a description of the specific test to be performed; its purpose, potential uses, and limitations; the meaning of its results; and the right to confidential treatment of the results. The written informed consent must inform the individual that the individual should consider consulting with a genetic counselor prior to taking the test and must state whether the insurer will pay for any such consultation. An informed consent disclosure form must be approved by the commissioner prior to its use.
The life insurance company or fraternal benefit society shall notify an individual of a genetic test result by notifying the individual or the individual's designated physician. If the individual tested has not given written consent authorizing a physician to receive the test results, the individual must be urged, at the time that the individual is informed of the genetic test result described in this subdivision, to contact a genetic counselor or other health care professional.
A life insurance company or fraternal benefit society shall not require an individual to submit to a genetic test unless the cost of the test is paid by the life insurance company or fraternal benefit society.
A violation of this section is subject to the investigative and enforcement authority of the commissioner, who shall enforce this section.
Minn. Stat. § 72A.139
1995 c 251 s 1