Section 62T.11 - DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER(a) By July 1, 1997, the commissioner shall make available application forms for licensure as an accountable provider network. The accountable provider network may begin doing business after application has been approved.(b) Upon receipt of an application for a certificate of authority, the commissioner shall grant or deny licensure and waivers requested within 90 days of receipt of a complete application if all requirements are substantially met. For a period of six years after July 1, 1997, the commissioner may approve up to five applications, none of which may be from health plan companies. If no written response has been received within 90 days, the application is approved. When the commissioner denies an application or waiver request, the commissioner shall notify the applicant in writing specifically stating the grounds for the denial and specific suggestions for how to remedy the denial. The commissioner will entertain reconsiderations. Within 90 days after the denial, the applicant may file a written request for an administrative hearing and review of the commissioner's determination. The hearing is subject to judicial review as provided by chapter 14.(c) All monitoring, enforcement, and rulemaking powers available under chapter 62N are granted to the commissioner to assure continued compliance with provisions of this chapter. The commissioner shall honor the intent of this section to foster community-focused, affordable health coverage for small employers and their employees.(d) The commissioner may contract with other entities as necessary to carry out the responsibilities in this chapter.1997 c 225 art 5 s 11; 2000 c 295 s 7