A health benefit plan that includes utilization review requirements must specify the process for notifying the utilization review organization in a timely manner and obtaining authorization for health care services. Each health plan company must provide a clear and concise description of this process to an enrollee as part of the policy, subscriber contract, or certificate of coverage. Effective January 1, 2026, the commissioner must provide a clear and concise description of this process to fee-for-service recipients receiving services under chapters 256B and 256L, through the agency's public website or through other forms of recipient guidance. In addition to the enrollee, the utilization review organization must allow any provider or provider's designee, or responsible patient representative, including a family member, to fulfill the obligations under the health benefit plan.
A claims administrator that contracts directly with providers for the provision of health care services to enrollees may, through contract, require the provider to notify the review organization in a timely manner and obtain authorization for health care services.
Additional information may be required for other specific review functions such as discharge planning or catastrophic case management. Second opinion information may also be required, when applicable, to support benefit plan requirements.
A utilization review organization may request information in addition to that described in subdivision 3 when there is significant lack of agreement between the utilization review organization and the provider regarding the appropriateness of authorization during the review or appeal process. For purposes of this subdivision, "significant lack of agreement" means that the utilization review organization has:
Nothing in this chapter prohibits a utilization review organization from requiring submission of data necessary to comply with the quality assurance and utilization review requirements of chapter 62D or other appropriate data or outcome analyses.
To the extent allowed under sections 72A.49 to 72A.505, a utilization review organization shall share all available clinical and demographic information on individual patients internally to avoid duplicate requests for information from enrollees or providers.
Minn. Stat. § 62M.04
1992 c 574 s 4; 1999 c 239 s 19-22