Section 60A.0786 - PRESUMPTION OF STOLI PRACTICESSubdivision 1.Presumption of STOLI practices.A settlement contract, or any agreement the effect of which is to sell or acquire the policy or a beneficial interest in the policy, entered into within the four-year period commencing with the date the policy is issued creates a rebuttable presumption of STOLI practices if either of the following circumstances are present:
(1) there was an agreement or understanding, before issuance of the policy, between the insured, policyowner, or owner of a beneficial interest in the policy, and another person to guarantee any liability or to purchase, or stand ready to purchase, the policy or an interest in the policy, including through an assumption or forgiveness of a loan; or(2) both of the following are present:(i) all or a portion of the policy premiums were funded by means other than by the insured's personal assets or assets provided by a person who is closely related to the insured by blood or law or who has a lawful and substantial economic interest in the continued life of the insured. For purposes of this provision, funds from a premium finance loan are considered assets of the insured or that person only if the insured or that person is contractually obligated to repay the full amount of the loan and to pledge personal assets, other than the policy itself, for loan amounts exceeding the policy's cash value; and(ii) the insured underwent a life expectancy evaluation within the 18-month time period immediately prior to the issuance of the policy and, during the same time period, the results of the life expectancy evaluation were shared with or used by any person for the purpose of determining the actual or potential value of the policy in the secondary market.Subd. 2.Not applicable in criminal proceedings.The rebuttable presumption created in this section does not apply in any criminal proceeding.