Section 155A.2705 - [Effective 8/1/2025] HAIR TECHNICIAN REQUIREMENTS AND TRAININGSubdivision 1.Age requirement.An applicant for a hair technician license must be at least 17 years of age.
Subd. 2.Application.A complete application for a hair technician license must include the following:
(1) a completed application form;(2) payment of the fees required by section 155A.25;(3) passing test results achieved no more than one year before the submission of the application of the following board-approved tests for the license for a hair technician: (i) the general theory test;(ii) the written practical test; and(iii) the test on Minnesota Laws and Rules related to providing hair technician services; and(4) proof of completion of training in the form of the original course completion certificate with the notarized signatures of the school manager or owner documenting the successful completion of the required training under subdivision 3. If the completed training is more than five years old, a skills course certificate no more than one year old must also be submitted.Subd. 3.Training. Hair technician training must be completed at a Minnesota-licensed cosmetology school. The training must consist of 900 hours of coursework and planned clinical instruction and experience that includes:(1) the first 300 hours of the hair technology course that includes: (ii) preclinical instruction in the theory of sciences, including: (A) muscle and bone structure and function;(B) properties of the hair, a study of all hair types and textures, including coil, curl, or wave patterns, hair strand thicknesses, and volumes of hair, and scalp;(C) disorders and diseases of the hair and scalp;(D) chemistry as related to hair technology; and(E) electricity and light related to the practice of hair technology;(iii) theory and preclinical instruction on client and service safety prior to students offering services;(iv) introductory service skills that are limited to the observation of an instructor demonstration, student use of mannequins, or student-to-student application of basic services related to hair technology;(v) Minnesota statutes and rules pertaining to the regulation of hair technology;(vi) health and safety instruction that includes: (C) personal protective equipment (PPE);(D) hazardous substances; and(E) laws and regulations related to health and public safety; and(vii) infection control to protect the health and safety of the public and technician that includes:(B) disinfectant procedures;(C) cleaning and disinfection;(E) storage of tools, implements, and linens; and(F) other implements and equipment used in salons and schools;(2) 300 hours in hair cutting and styling that includes hair and scalp analysis; providing services to individuals who have all hair types and textures, including coil, curl, or wave patterns, hair strand thicknesses, and volumes of hair; cleaning; scalp and hair conditioning; hair design and shaping; drying; arranging; curling; dressing; waving; and nonchemical straightening; and(3) 300 hours in chemical hair services that includes hair and scalp analysis; providing services to individuals with all hair types and textures, including coil, curl, or wave patterns, hair strand thicknesses, and volumes of hair; dying; bleaching; reactive chemicals; keratin; hair coloring; permanent straightening; permanent waving; predisposition and strand tests; safety precautions; chemical mixing; color formulation; and the use of dye removers. Amended by 2024 Minn. Laws, ch. 120,s 3-2, eff. 8/1/2025.Added by 2023 Minn. Laws, ch. 62,s 2-102, eff. 7/1/2024.This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.