Section 150A.055 - ADMINISTRATION OF VACCINESSubdivision 1.Practice of dentistry.A person licensed to practice dentistry under sections 150A.01 to 150A.14 shall be deemed to be practicing dentistry while participating in the administration of an influenza or COVID-19 vaccine. The authority under this section to administer COVID-19 vaccines expires June 1, 2022.
Subd. 2.Qualified dentists.(a) The vaccine shall be administered only to eligible patients 16 years of age and older and only by licensed dentists who: (1) have immediate access to emergency response equipment, including but not limited to oxygen administration equipment, epinephrine, and other allergic reaction response equipment; and(2) are trained in or have successfully completed an educational program on vaccine administration that is approved by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry, specifically for the administration of vaccines. The training or program must include: (i) educational material on the disease and vaccination as prevention of the disease;(ii) contraindications and precautions;(iii) intramuscular administration;(iv) communication of risk and benefits of vaccination and legal requirements involved;(v) reporting of adverse events;(vi) documentation required by federal law; and(vii) storage and handling of vaccines.(b) Any dentist giving vaccinations under this section shall comply with guidelines established by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices relating to vaccines and immunizations, which includes, but is not limited to, vaccine storage and handling, vaccine administration and documentation, and vaccine contraindications and precautions.Subd. 3.Coordination of care.After a dentist qualified under subdivision 2 has administered a vaccine to a patient, the dentist shall report the administration of the vaccine to the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection.
Amended by 2021 Minn. Laws, ch. 4,s 1, eff. 3/4/2021.Added by 2014 Minn. Laws, ch. 291,s 2-1, eff. 1/1/2015.