Section 148E.210 - PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL CONDUCTThe board has grounds to take action under sections 148E.255 to 148E.270 when a social worker:
(1) engages in unprofessional or unethical conduct, including any departure from or failure to conform to the minimum accepted ethical and other prevailing standards of professional social work practice, without actual injury to a social work client, intern, student, supervisee, or the public needing to be established;(2) engages in conduct that has the potential to cause harm to a client, intern, student, supervisee, or the public;(3) demonstrates a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare, or safety of a client, intern, student, or supervisee; or(4) engages in acts or conduct adversely affecting the applicant or licensee's current ability or fitness to engage in social work practice, whether or not the acts or conduct occurred while engaged in the practice of social work.