Section 148E.106 - LICENSED GRADUATE SOCIAL WORKERS WHO PRACTICE CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK; SUPERVISED PRACTICESubdivision 1.Supervision required after licensure.After receiving a license from the board as a licensed graduate social worker, a licensed graduate social worker engaged in clinical practice must obtain at least 200 hours of supervision according to the requirements of this section:
(1) a minimum of four hours and a maximum of eight hours of supervision must be obtained during every 160 hours of practice until the licensed graduate social worker is issued a licensed independent clinical social worker license;(2) a minimum of 200 hours of supervision must be completed, in addition to all other requirements according to sections 148E.115 to 148E.125, to be eligible to apply for the licensed independent clinical social worker license; and(3) the supervisee and supervisor are required to adjust the rate of supervision obtained, based on the ratio of four hours of supervision during every 160 hours of practice, to ensure compliance with the requirements in subdivision 2.Subd. 2.Practice requirements.The supervision required by subdivision 1 must be obtained:
(1) in no less than 4,000 hours and no more than 8,000 hours of postgraduate, clinical social work practice authorized by law, including at least 1,800 hours of direct clinical client contact; and(2) a minimum of four hours and a maximum of eight hours of supervision must be obtained during every 160 hours of practice.Subd. 2a.Supervised practice obtained prior to August 1, 2011.(a) Notwithstanding the requirements in subdivisions 1 and 2, the board shall approve hours of supervised practice completed prior to August 1, 2011, which comply with Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 148D.100 to 148D.125. These hours shall apply to supervised practice requirements in effect as specified in this section.(b) Any additional hours of supervised practice obtained effective August 1, 2011, must comply with the increased requirements specified in this section.(c) Notwithstanding the requirements in subdivision 2, clause (1), direct clinical client contact hours are (i) not required prior to August 1, 2011, and (ii) not required of a licensed graduate social worker engaged in clinical practice with a licensed graduate social worker license issue date prior to August 1, 2011.Subd. 3.Types of supervision.Of the 200 hours of supervision required under subdivision 1:
(1) 100 hours must be provided through one-on-one supervision. The supervision must be provided either in person or via eye-to-eye electronic media, while maintaining visual contact. The board must allow a licensed graduate social worker to satisfy the supervision requirement of this clause with all required hours of supervision provided via eye-to-eye electronic media, while maintaining visual contact; and(2) 100 hours must be provided through: (i) one-on-one supervision, or (ii) group supervision. The supervision may be in person, by telephone, or via eye-to-eye electronic media, while maintaining visual contact. The supervision must not be provided by email. Group supervision is limited to six supervisees.Subd. 4.Supervisor requirements.The supervision required by subdivision 1 must be provided by a supervisor who meets the requirements specified in section 148E.120. The supervision must be provided by a:
(1) licensed independent clinical social worker; or(2) supervisor who meets the requirements specified in section 148E.120, subdivision 2.Subd. 5.Supervisee requirements.The supervisee must:
(1) to the satisfaction of the supervisor, practice competently and ethically according to professional social work knowledge, skills, and values;(2) receive supervision in the following content areas: (i) development of professional values and responsibilities;(iii) authorized scope of practice;(iv) ensuring continuing competence; and(v) ethical standards of practice;(3) submit a supervision plan according to section 148E.125, subdivision 1; and(4) verify supervised practice according to section 148E.125, subdivision 3, when: (i) a licensed graduate social worker applies for the renewal of a license; or(ii) a licensed graduate social worker applies for a licensed independent clinical social worker license.Subd. 6.[Never effective, 2007 c 123 s 138; 2009 c 157 art 3 s 48]
Subd. 7.Limit on practice of clinical social work.(a) Except as provided in subdivision 8, a licensed graduate social worker must not engage in clinical social work practice under supervision for more than 8,000 hours. In order to practice clinical social work for more than 8,000 hours, a licensed graduate social worker must obtain a licensed independent clinical social worker license.(b) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a), the board may grant a licensed graduate social worker permission to engage in clinical social work practice for more than 8,000 hours if the licensed graduate social worker petitions the board and demonstrates to the board's satisfaction that for reasons of personal hardship the licensed graduate social worker should be granted an extension to continue practicing clinical social work under supervision for up to an additional 2,000 hours.Subd. 8.Eligibility to apply for licensure as a licensed independent clinical social worker.Upon completion of not less than 4,000 hours and not more than 8,000 hours of clinical social work practice, including at least 1,800 hours of direct clinical client contact and 200 hours of supervision according to the requirements of this section, a licensed graduate social worker is eligible to apply for a licensed independent clinical social worker license under section 148E.115, subdivision 1.
Subd. 9.Verification of supervised practice.A social worker and the social worker's supervisor must submit verification that the supervisee has met or has made progress on meeting the applicable supervision requirements according to section 148E.125, subdivision 3.
2007 c 123 s 84, 138; 2009 c 157 art 3s 20-27; 2012 c 187 art 3 s 7
Amended by 2022 Minn. Laws, ch. 98,s 3-5, eff. 5/25/2022.