Minn. Stat. § 148.262
When the board finds that grounds for disciplinary action exist under section 148.261, subdivision 1, it may take one or more of the following actions:
Unless the board orders otherwise, a license to practice advanced practice, professional, or practical nursing is automatically suspended if:
The license remains suspended until the nurse is restored to capacity by a court and, upon petition by the nurse, the suspension is terminated by the board after a hearing or upon agreement between the board and the nurse.
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the board may, through its designated board member under section 214.10, subdivision 2, temporarily suspend the license of a nurse without a hearing if the board finds that there is probable cause to believe the nurse has violated a statute or rule the board is empowered to enforce and continued practice by the nurse would create a serious risk of harm to others. The suspension shall take effect upon written notice to the nurse, served by first-class mail, specifying the statute or rule violated. The suspension shall remain in effect until the board issues a temporary stay of suspension or a final order in the matter after a hearing or upon agreement between the board and the nurse. At the time it issues the suspension notice, the board shall schedule a disciplinary hearing to be held under the Administrative Procedure Act. The nurse shall be provided with at least 20 days' notice of any hearing held under this subdivision. The hearing shall be scheduled to begin no later than 30 days after the issuance of the suspension order.
The board may reinstate and reissue a license or registration certificate to practice advanced practice, professional, or practical nursing, but as a condition may impose any disciplinary or corrective measure that it might originally have imposed. Any person whose license or registration has been revoked, suspended, or limited may have the license reinstated and a new registration issued when, in the discretion of the board, the action is warranted, provided that the person shall be required by the board to pay the costs of the proceedings resulting in the revocation, suspension, or limitation of the license or registration certificate and reinstatement of the license or registration certificate, and to pay the fee for the current registration period. The cost of proceedings shall include, but not be limited to, the cost paid by the board to the Office of Administrative Hearings and the Office of the Attorney General for legal and investigative services, the costs of a court reporter and witnesses, reproduction of records, board staff time, travel, and expenses, and board members' per diem reimbursements, travel costs, and expenses.
Minn. Stat. § 148.262
1989 c 194 s 13; 1Sp1994 c 1 art 2 s 8; 1999 c 172 s 8; 2004 c 146 art 3 s 47; 2014 c 235 s 30-32