Section 148.630 - LICENSE REQUIRED(a) No person may engage in dietetics or nutrition practice unless the person is licensed as a dietitian or nutritionist by the board. No person may use the title "dietitian," "licensed dietitian," "nutritionist," "licensed nutritionist," or any occupational title using the word "dietitian" or "nutritionist" unless so licensed by the board, nor shall any person hold out as a dietitian or nutritionist unless so licensed.(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 148.621 to 148.633, a dietitian registered by the commission shall have the right to use the title "registered dietitian" and the designation "RD." Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 148.621 to 148.633, a dietetic technician registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration shall have the right to use the title "dietetic technician registered" and the designation "DTR."