Section 147A.27 - PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ADVISORY COUNCILSubdivision 1.Membership.The Physician Assistant Advisory Council is created and is composed of seven persons appointed by the board. The seven persons must include:
(1) two public members, as defined in section 214.02;(2) three physician assistants licensed under this chapter who meet the criteria for a new applicant under section 147A.02; and(3) two licensed physicians with experience practicing with physician assistants.Subd. 2.Organization.The council shall be organized and administered under section 15.059.
Subd. 3.Duties.The council shall advise the board regarding:
(1) physician assistant licensure standards;(2) enforcement of grounds for discipline;(3) distribution of information regarding physician assistant licensure standards;(4) applications and recommendations of applicants for licensure or license renewal;(5) complaints and recommendations to the board regarding disciplinary matters and proceedings concerning applicants and licensees according to sections 214.10; 214.103; and 214.13, subdivisions 6 and 7; and(6) issues related to physician assistant practice and regulation. The council shall perform other duties authorized for the council by chapter 214 as directed by the board.
1997 c 120 s 1; 2000 c 298 s 2; 2007 c 123 s 7; 2009 c 159s 33
Amended by 2022 Minn. Laws, ch. 58,s 85, eff. 8/1/2022.Amended by 2018 Minn. Laws, ch. 130,s 1, eff. 8/1/2018.