Minn. Stat. § 147.0381
A person regulated by the board, whose right to practice is under suspension, condition, limitation, qualification, or restriction by the board may be granted cancellation of credentials by approval of the board. Such action by the board shall be reported as cancellation while under discipline.
Credentials, for purposes of this section, means board authorized documentation of the privilege to practice a board-regulated profession.
A person regulated by the board who receives board approval for credential cancellation is not entitled to a refund of any fees paid for the credentialing year in which cancellation of the credential occurred.
If a person regulated by the board, who has been granted board approval for credential cancellation, desires to resume the practice of the regulated profession in Minnesota, that person must obtain a new credential by applying to the board and fulfilling the requirements then in existence for obtaining an initial credential to practice the regulated profession in Minnesota.
Minn. Stat. § 147.0381
1995 c 18 s 3