Minn. Stat. § 144.2216
With the informed consent of a parent or guardian, as provided in subdivision 4, a hospital, medical clinic, medical laboratory, or other institution for the hospitalization, clinical or laboratory diagnosis, or care of human beings shall provide the commissioner of health with access to information on each birth defect case in the manner and at the times that the commissioner designates.
With the informed consent of a parent or guardian, as provided in subdivision 4, other repositories of information on the diagnosis or care of infants may provide the commissioner with access to information on each case of birth defects in the manner and at the times that the commissioner designates.
Furnishing information in good faith in compliance with this section does not subject the person, hospital, medical clinic, medical laboratory, data repository, or other institution furnishing the information to any action for damages or relief.
A parent or legal guardian must be informed by the commissioner at the time of the initial data collection that they may request removal at any time of personal identifying information concerning a child from the birth defects information system using a written form prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall advise parents or legal guardians:
Minn. Stat. § 144.2216
2004 c 288 art 6 s 12; 2004 c 290 s 26