Section 349A.09 - LOTTERY ADVERTISINGSubdivision 1.Odds; required information.The director shall include on each brochure, pamphlet, booklet, or other similar material the director publishes to promote or explain any lottery game, a prominent and clear statement of the approximate odds of winning each prize offered in that lottery game. Each lottery retailer must post prominently at or near the point of ticket sale a notice or notices printed and provided by the director of the approximate odds of winning each prize in each game for which the lottery retailer sells tickets.
Subd. 2.Content of advertising.(a) Advertising and promotional materials for the lottery adopted or published by the director must be consistent with the dignity of the state and may only: (1) present information on how lottery games are played, prizes offered, where and how tickets may be purchased, when drawings are held, and odds on the games advertised;(2) identify state programs supported by lottery net revenues;(3) present the lottery as a form of entertainment; or(4) state the winning numbers or identity of winners of lottery prizes.(b) The director may not adopt or publish any advertising for the lottery which:(1) presents directly or indirectly any lottery game as a potential means of relieving any person's financial difficulties;(2) is specifically targeted with the intent to exploit a person, a specific group or economic class of people, or a religious holiday by use of a religious theme or symbol;(3) presents the purchase of a lottery ticket as a financial investment or a way to achieve financial security;(4) uses the name or picture of a current elected state official to promote a lottery game;(5) exhorts the public to bet by directly or indirectly misrepresenting a person's chance of winning a prize; or(6) denigrates a person who does not buy a lottery ticket or unduly praises a person who does buy a ticket.Subd. 3.Prizes; required information.The director must include, in any publication or print advertising which refers to a prize which is or may be paid in installments, a statement to the effect that the prize will be or may be paid in installments.
1989 c 334 art 3 s 9; 1991 c 336 art 2 s 40