Minn. Stat. § 88.40
The county board of each county wherein any improvement is ordered constructed under the provisions of sections 88.28 to 88.46 is hereby authorized to issue the bonds of the county in such amount as may be necessary to defray, in whole or in part, the expense incurred or to be incurred in establishment and completion of the improvement, together with all expenses incidental thereto; and the provisions of General Statutes 1923, section 6696, shall apply thereto and the county board is hereby authorized to exercise all the authority specified in General Statutes 1923, section 6696, in providing the funds for the completion of any improvement authorized by the provisions of sections 88.28 to 88.46; and where the term "drainage ditch" or "drainage bond" appears in General Statutes 1923, section 6696, the same, for the purposes of sections 88.28 to 88.46, shall be construed as reading "improvement" or "land improvement bond," as the case may be. In the event the bonds authorized under the terms of sections 88.28 to 88.46 are not sold at advertised sale, the county board may let contracts as herein provided when the contractor is willing to accept payment for the contract in bonds at par; provided, that no county may incur any indebtedness for the purposes of sections 88.28 to 88.46 in excess of five percent of its taxable valuation, exclusive of money and credits.
Minn. Stat. § 88.40
(4031-48) 1925 c 263 s 13