Minn. Stat. § 88.03
Sections 88.03 to 88.22 shall be deemed and construed as a codification, revision, and expansion of, and as supplementary to, and taking the place of, the laws which existed at the time of the passage of Laws 1925, chapter 407, relating to forestry and to wildfires, including Laws 1911, chapter 125, and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto; Laws 1913, chapter 159; Laws 1915, chapter 325; Extra Session Laws 1919, chapters 32 and 33, but without abridging or destroying any rights, obligations, liabilities, or penalties from, or under, any of such laws prior to the taking effect of Laws 1925, chapter 407. Sections 88.03 to 88.22 shall apply to all the wildfire areas of this state. In any civil or criminal prosecution action commenced under sections 88.03 to 88.22, or proceeding thereunder, it shall not be necessary to prove that any county is included in a wildfire area, but the contrary may be proven by any party to such action or proceeding.
Minn. Stat. § 88.03
(4031-1) 1925 c 407 s 1; 1993 c 328 s 10