Minn. Stat. § 297I.11
Each insurer engaged in the writing of policies of automobile insurance shall collect a surcharge, at the rate of 50 cents per vehicle for every six months of coverage, on each policy of automobile insurance providing comprehensive insurance coverage issued or renewed in this state. The surcharge may not be considered premium for any purpose, including the computation of premium tax or agents' commissions. The amount of the surcharge must be separately stated on either a billing or policy declaration sent to an insured. Insurers shall remit the revenue derived from this surcharge to the commissioner of revenue for purposes of the automobile theft prevention program described in section 65B.84. For purposes of this subdivision, "policy of automobile insurance" has the meaning given it in section 65B.14, covering only the following types of vehicles as defined in section 168.002:
except that no vehicle with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 10,000 pounds is included within this definition.
A special revenue account in the state treasury shall be credited with the proceeds of the surcharge imposed under subdivision 1. Of the revenue in the account, $1,300,000 each year must be transferred to the insurance fraud prevention account under section 45.0135, subdivision 6. Revenues in excess of $1,300,000 each year may be used only for the automobile theft prevention program described in section 65B.84.
The commissioner shall collect and administer the surcharge imposed by this section in the same manner as the taxes imposed by this chapter.
Minn. Stat. § 297I.11
2013 c 142 art 5 s 10