Minn. Stat. § 117.086
In all eminent domain proceedings brought under this chapter noncontiguous tracts of land may be considered as a unit for the purpose of the assessment of the damages for a taking from only one of such tracts, provided that the use to which the tracts are applied is so connected, that the taking from one in fact damages the other.
In the event that an appeal is taken, a party claiming a unity in noncontiguous tracts shall give notice thereof in the notice of appeal as provided in section 117.145.
The petitioner, after receiving notice that the landowner claims a unity in noncontiguous tracts, may upon ten days' written notice to the landowner, move the court for its order determining whether, as a matter of law, the landowner has suffered a taking of, or damage to, noncontiguous tracts by reason of the eminent domain proceedings brought under this chapter.
Minn. Stat. § 117.086
1971 c 595 s 17; 1986 c 444