Minn. Stat. § 207A.14
Twenty weeks before a presidential nomination primary is to be held, the secretary of state shall provide notice to the county auditor of each county of the date of the presidential nomination primary. Within ten days after notification by the secretary of state, each county auditor shall provide notice of the date of the presidential nomination primary to each municipal clerk in the county.
No later than 70 days before the presidential nomination primary, the secretary of state must supply each county auditor with example ballots to be used at the presidential nomination primary. The example ballots must illustrate the format required for the ballots used in the presidential nomination primary.
At least 15 days before the date of the presidential nomination primary, each municipal clerk shall post a public notice stating the date of the presidential nomination primary, the location of each polling place in the municipality, the hours during which the polling places in the municipality will be open, and information about the requirements of section 207A.12, paragraph (b). The county auditor shall post a similar notice in the auditor's office with information for any polling places in unorganized territory in the county. The governing body of a municipality or county may publish the notice in addition to posting it. Failure to give notice does not invalidate the election.
Minn. Stat. § 207A.14
2016 c 162 s 12