Minn. Stat. § 120B.113
The commissioner of education must establish a grant program to support implementation of comprehensive achievement and civic readiness strategies under section 120B.11, subdivision 2, clauses (4) and (6), and collaborative efforts that address opportunity gaps resulting from curricular, environmental, and structural inequities in schools experienced by students, families, and staff who are of color or who are American Indian.
The commissioner must determine application procedures and deadlines, select districts and charter schools to participate in the grant program, and determine the award amount and payment process of the grants. To the extent that there are sufficient applications, the commissioner must award an approximately equal number of grants between districts in greater Minnesota and those in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. If there are an insufficient number of applications received for either geographic area, then the commissioner may award grants to meet the requests for funds wherever a district is located.
The grant program must provide funding that supports collaborative efforts that close opportunity gaps by:
Grant recipients must annually report to the commissioner by a date and in a form and manner determined by the commissioner on efforts planned and implemented that engaged students, families, educators, and community members of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in making improvements to school climate and curriculum. The report must assess the impact of those efforts as perceived by racially and ethnically diverse stakeholders, and must identify any areas needed for further continuous improvement. The commissioner must publish a report for the public summarizing the activities of grant recipients and what was done to promote sharing of effective practices among grant recipients and potential grant applicants.
Minn. Stat. § 120B.113