Section 626.5535 - CARJACKING; REPORTING REQUIREDSubdivision 1.Definition.For purposes of this section, "carjacking" means a violation of section 609.247.
Subd. 2.Use of information collected.(a) The head of a local law enforcement agency or state law enforcement department that employs peace officers, as defined in section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), must forward the following carjacking information from the agency's or department's jurisdiction for the previous year to the commissioner of public safety by January 15 each year:(1) the number of carjacking attempts;(2) the number of carjackings;(3) the ages of the offenders;(4) the number of persons injured in each offense;(5) the number of persons killed in each offense; and(6) weapons used in each offense, if any.(b) The commissioner of public safety must include the data received under paragraph (a) in a separate carjacking category in the department's annual uniform crime report.Added by 2023 Minn. Laws, ch. 52,s 9-10, eff. 8/1/2023.