Minn. Stat. § 385.15
All payments by treasurers of counties having designated depositories at their county seat, and by all others as far as practicable, shall be made by checks upon the depositories. Each depository shall furnish the auditor of the county to which the funds belong a true and itemized statement of the treasurer's account on the first day of each month, which statement shall be filed and preserved in the auditor's office. All sums of interest accruing upon the funds deposited in any bank or with any banker under the provisions of Laws 1881, chapter 124, shall be credited to such deposit account on the first day of each month, for the month preceding; and a monthly statement of such interest, as computed from the daily balances by the bank or banker, shall be rendered by such depository to the county auditor on the first day of each month, and the auditor shall charge the county treasurer with the amount thereof, and credit the same to the revenue fund of the county.
Minn. Stat. § 385.15
(853) RL s 507