Minn. Stat. § 383C.455
Such surveyor shall keep complete and accurate field notes of all the work, giving dates, names of assistants, lengths and relative directions of all lines, a full description of the evidence by which corners are located, and full data by which the entire survey can be relocated. Distances shall be given in feet and decimals thereof. Substantial iron or stone monuments shall be planted at or near all government corners reestablished, and the names of at least three resident witnesses must be given in such notes for each monument. The surveyor shall make a plat upon a strong linen paper, showing all the above-mentioned facts, so far as practicable, and also all tracts of land affected, with the name of the owner and acreage of each tract. Such plat shall have endorsed thereon the affidavit of the surveyor to the effect that such survey and plat are correct and accurate.
Minn. Stat. § 383C.455
1923 c 441 s 9; 1986 c 444