Minn. Stat. § 383C.19
St. Louis County may establish an emergency employment program to meet the needs of its unemployed residents. The County Board of Commissioners shall establish rules governing the operation of the employment program. Rules shall include but not be limited to number of hours worked, wages, benefits, and methods and terms of payment. Limits imposed by civil service rules shall not apply to an emergency jobs program established under the authority of this section. Service in a St. Louis County emergency jobs program shall not constitute employment under chapter 268 but shall come within the exclusion established in section 268.035, subdivision 20, clause (9), and St. Louis County shall not be liable for contributions to the unemployment insurance program trust fund for participants of an emergency jobs program.
Minn. Stat. § 383C.19
1984 c 501 s 1; 1994 c 488 s 8; 1999 c 107 s 66; 2000 c 343 s 4; 2002 c 379 art 1 s 80; 2016 c 189 art 10 s 7