Minn. Stat. § 370.13
At least six months before the next general election in the county held after the election and qualification of the commissioner or commissioners at large, unless there is less time between the at-large election and qualification and the general election, in which event the action provided for shall be taken at the first meeting after the commissioners have qualified, the board shall proceed to redivide the county into five commissioner districts, numbered from 1 to 5, unless otherwise provided by law. At the next general election held in the county after the redistricting, a commissioner shall be elected from each district, the member from each odd-numbered district to hold a two-year term, and the member from each even-numbered district to hold a four-year term, and thereafter all commissioners, except those elected or appointed to fill vacancies for unexpired terms, shall be elected for four-year terms. If, the redistricting causes any new district to cover the same territory as any one of the old districts, the commissioner elected from the old district shall continue to act as commissioner from the new district for the remainder of the term for which elected. In case a contest, or other litigation, is pending involving the legality of the change of boundaries of the county, the redistricting shall not be made until after the contest, or other litigation, has been finally determined in favor of the change of boundaries. In this event, if the term of any commissioner at large expires before the county is redistricted, a successor shall be elected by the voters of the entire county for a term of four years, unless sooner ended, under this chapter, or otherwise.
Minn. Stat. § 370.13
(614) 1907 c 5 s 4; 1985 c 109 s 1; 1986 c 444; 2001 c 198 s 7