Subd. 2.Conversion requirements.An organization other than a corporation may convert to a corporation, and a corporation may convert to another organization, pursuant to this section, sections 317A.683 to 317A.689, and a plan of conversion if:
(1) the converting organization's governing statute authorizes the conversion;(2) the conversion is not prohibited by another law of this state or the law of the jurisdiction that enacted the converting organization's governing statute;(3) the converting organization complies with its governing statute in effecting the conversion;(4) the converting organization and the converted organization's governing statute prohibits the organization from: (i) being formed for a purpose involving pecuniary gain to its members, other than to members that are nonprofit organizations or subdivisions, units, or agencies of the United States or a state or local government; and(ii) paying dividends or other pecuniary remuneration, directly or indirectly, to its members, other than to members that are nonprofit organizations or subdivisions, units, or agencies of the United States or a state or local government; and(5) the attorney general has been notified, to the extent applicable under section 317A.811, and any applicable waiting periods under that section have expired.