Minn. Stat. § 28A.153
The licensing provisions of sections 28A.01 to 28A.16 do not apply to an individual who processes wild game or fowl as described in section 31A.15, subdivision 1, clause (2), if the following requirements are met:
An individual processing wild game or fowl under this section is limited to total services with gross receipts of $20,000 or less in a calendar year or the processing of 200 deer in a calendar year, whichever is greater.
Individuals processing wild game under this section are encouraged to register annually with the commissioner. The commissioner must not assess a registration fee.
An individual processing wild game under this section is not required to obtain a custom processing permit under section 28A.04, subdivision 2.
If a white-tailed deer was harvested from a chronic wasting disease management area established by the commissioner of natural resources, an individual processing wild game under this section must dispose of the carcass through any disposal method approved for the management area in Department of Natural Resources hunting rules.
Minn. Stat. § 28A.153