Minn. Stat. § 18C.111
The commissioner shall administer, implement, and enforce this chapter and the Department of Agriculture is the lead state agency for the regulation of fertilizer, including storage, handling, distribution, use, and disposal of fertilizer.
The commissioner may delegate duties under this chapter to designated employees or agents of the Department of Agriculture.
The commissioner may, by written agreements, delegate specific inspection, enforcement, and other regulatory duties of this chapter to officials of other agencies. The delegation may only be made to a state agency, a political subdivision, or a political subdivision's agency that has signed a joint powers agreement with the commissioner as provided in section 471.59. The commissioner may also enter into data sharing agreements with other state agencies to help assess the potential for unreasonable adverse effects to human health and the environment from the use of a fertilizer.
The Department of Agriculture is the lead state agency for the regulation of fertilizer containing PFAS, including the storage, handling, distribution, use, and disposal of fertilizer containing PFAS. In order to reduce duplication, a distributor, registrant, or guarantor is not required to provide technical data to another state agency if the distributor, registrant, or guarantor has previously submitted the data to the commissioner and the data is available to the other state agencies.
Minn. Stat. § 18C.111
1989 c 326 art 6 s 4; 2011 c 14 s 9; 2013 c 114 art 2 s 40