Section 791.220g - Youth correctional facility(1) The department may establish a youth correctional facility which shall house only prisoners committed to the jurisdiction of the department who are 19 years of age or less. If the department establishes or contracts with a private vendor for the operation of a youth correctional facility, following intake processing in a department operated facility, the department shall house all male prisoners who are 16 years of age or less at the youth correctional facility unless the department determines that the prisoner should be housed at a different facility for reasons of security, safety, or because of the prisoner's specialized physical or mental health care needs.(2) Except as provided in subsection (3), a prisoner who is 16 years of age or less and housed at a youth correctional facility shall only be placed in a general population housing unit with prisoners who are 16 years of age or less.(3) A prisoner who becomes 17 years of age while being housed at a youth correctional facility and who has a satisfactory prison record may remain in a general population housing unit for no more than 1 year with prisoners who are 16 years of age or less.(4) Except as provided in subsection (3), a prisoner who is 16 years of age or less and housed at a youth correctional facility shall not be allowed to be in the proximity of a prisoner who is 17 years of age or more without the presence and direct supervision of custody personnel in the immediate vicinity.(5) The department may establish and operate the youth correctional facility or may contract on behalf of the state with a private vendor for the construction or operation, or both, of the youth correctional facility. If the department contracts with a private vendor to construct, rehabilitate, develop, renovate, or operate any existing or anticipated facility pursuant to this section, the department shall require a written certification from the private vendor regarding all of the following: (a) If practicable to efficiently and effectively complete the project, the private vendor shall follow a competitive bid process for the construction, rehabilitation, development, or renovation of the facility, and this process shall be open to all Michigan residents and firms. The private vendor shall not discriminate against any contractor on the basis of its affiliation or nonaffiliation with any collective bargaining organization.(b) The private vendor shall make a good faith effort to employ, if qualified, Michigan residents at the facility.(c) The private vendor shall make a good faith effort to employ or contract with Michigan residents and firms to construct, rehabilitate, develop, or renovate the facility.(6) If the department contracts with a private vendor for the operation of the youth correctional facility, the department shall require by contract that the personnel employed by the private vendor in the operation of the facility be certified as correctional officers to the same extent as would be required if those personnel were employed in a correctional facility operated by the department. The department also shall require by contract that the private vendor meet requirements specified by the department regarding security, protection of the public, inspections by the department, programming, liability and insurance, conditions of confinement, educational services required under subsection (11), and any other issues the department considers necessary for the operation of the youth correctional facility. The department shall also require that the contract include provisions to protect the public's interest if the private vendor defaults on the contract. Before finalizing a contract with a private vendor for the construction or operation of the youth correctional facility, the department shall submit the proposed contract to the standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives having jurisdiction of corrections issues, the corrections subcommittees of the standing committees on appropriations of the senate and the house of representatives, and, with regard to proposed construction contracts, the joint committee on capital outlay. A contract between the department and a private vendor for the construction or operation of the youth correctional facility shall be contingent upon appropriation of the required funding. If the department contracts with a private vendor under this section, the selection of that private vendor shall be by open, competitive bid.(7) The department shall not site a youth correctional facility under this section in a city, village, or township unless the local legislative body of that city, village, or township adopts a resolution approving the location.(8) A private vendor operating a youth correctional facility under a contract under this section shall not do any of the following, unless directed to do so by the department policy: (a) Calculate inmate release and parole eligibility dates.(b) Award good time or disciplinary credits, or impose disciplinary time.(c) Approve inmates for extensions of limits of confinement.(9) The youth correctional facility shall be open to visits during all business hours, and during nonbusiness hours unless an emergency prevents it, by any elected state senator or state representative.(10) Once each year, the department shall report on the operation of the facility. Copies of the report shall be submitted to the chairpersons of the house and senate committees responsible for legislation on corrections or judicial issues, and to the clerk of the house of representatives and the secretary of the senate.(11) Regardless of whether the department itself operates the youth correctional facility or contracts with a private vendor to operate the youth correctional facility, all of the following educational services shall be provided for juvenile prisoners housed at the facility who have not earned a high school diploma or received a general education certificate (GED):(a) The department or private vendor shall require that a prisoner whose academic achievement level is not sufficient to allow the prisoner to participate effectively in a program leading to the attainment of a GED certificate participate in classes that will prepare him or her to participate effectively in the GED program, and shall provide those classes in the facility.(b) The department or private vendor shall require that a prisoner who successfully completes classes described in subdivision (a), or whose academic achievement level is otherwise sufficient, participate in classes leading to the attainment of a GED certificate, and shall provide those classes.(12) Neither the department nor the private vendor shall seek to have the youth correctional facility authorized as a public school academy under the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.(13) A private vendor that operates the youth correctional facility under a contract with the department shall provide written notice of its intention to discontinue its operation of the facility. This subsection does not authorize or limit liability for a breach or default of contract. If the reason for the discontinuance is that the private vendor intends not to renew the contract, the notice shall be delivered to the director of the department at least 1 year before the contract expiration date. If the discontinuance is for any other reason, the notice shall be delivered to the director of the department at least 6 months before the date on which the private vendor will discontinue its operation of the facility. This subsection does not authorize or limit liability for a breach or default of contract.Add. 1996, Act 164, Eff. 3/31/1997 ;--Am. 1998, Act 512, Imd. Eff. 1/8/1999 ;--Am. 2000, Act 211, Imd. Eff. 6/27/2000.