- Section 767a.1 - "Prosecuting attorney" defined
- Section 767a.2 - Investigative subpoenas; petition for authorization; contents; filing; application for immunity; confidentiality of application; exemption from disclosure
- Section 767a.3 - Investigative subpoenas; issuance; circumstances; contents and scope of order; additional subpoenas; supplemental petitions; filing
- Section 767a.4 - Investigative subpoenas; contents; service of process
- Section 767a.5 - Appearance before prosecuting attorney; administration of oaths and affirmations; right to legal counsel; testimony with respect to records, documents or physical evidence; informing person of rights against self-incrimination; furnishing copy of testimony to defendant; effect of failure to provide copy of testimony; furnishing copy of testimony after direct examination of witness
- Section 767a.6 - Motion to order compliance with subpoena; filing; notice; hearing; court order; order violating statutory privilege or constitutional right prohibited; further protections; disclosure by reporter of informant or related information; circumstances
- Section 767a.7 - Order granting immunity
- Section 767a.8 - Confidentiality of certain material and information
- Section 767a.9 - Knowingly making false statement as perjury; penalty; neglect or refusal to comply with subpoena as contempt; determination that witness has purged himself or herself of contempt; commutation of sentence