Mich. Comp. Laws § 767.49
In any indictment it is sufficient for the purpose of identifying the accused to state his true name, to state the name, appellation or nickname by which he has been or is known, to state a fictitious name, or to describe him as a person whose name is unknown or to describe him in any other manner. In stating the true name or the name by which the accused has been or is known or a fictitious name, it is sufficient to state a surname, a surname and 1 or more christian name or names, or a surname and 1 or more abbreviations or initials of a christian name or names. It is sufficient for the purpose of identifying any group or association of persons, not incorporated, to state the proper name of such group or association (if such there be), to state any name or designation by which the group or association has been or is known, to state the names of all the persons in such group or association or of 1 or more of them, or to state the name or names of 1 or more persons in such group or association referring to the other or others as "another" or "others". It is sufficient for the purpose of identifying a corporation to state the corporate name of such corporation, or any name or designation by which such corporation has been or is known. It is not necessary for the purpose of identifying any group or association of persons or any corporation to state or prove the legal form of such group or association of persons or of such corporation. In no case is it necessary to aver or prove that the true name of any person, group or association of persons or corporation is unknown to the grand jury, complainant or prosecuting officer. If in the course of the trial the true name of any person, group or association of persons or corporation identified otherwise than by the true name, is disclosed by the evidence, the court shall on motion of the accused or of the prosecuting attorney, and may without such motion, insert the true name in the indictment wherever the name appears otherwise.
MCL 767.49