Mich. Comp. Laws § 729.209
Upon such drawing of the panel the clerk shall draw from said box such names, 1 at a time, as may be needed to complete said panel, in the number ordered by the court. He shall publicly announce the name of each juror drawn and make a record thereof. If to the knowledge of the judge or the clerk of said court, it appears that any person whose name is drawn shall be dead, insane or permanently removed from the city, an entry of such fact shall be made in the minutes of the drawing and the slip of paper containing such name be destroyed. Another name shall then be drawn from the box and the same proceeding had until the whole number of jurors required for such panel shall have been drawn.
The clerk shall then sign the record of such drawing, which shall include the names of the persons drawn as the members of such panel and file the same in his office as a public record.
MCL 729.209