Mich. Comp. Laws § 720.653
A regional facility created under this act shall be governed by a board of trustees which shall be a body corporate with powers to buy, sell, and dispose of property, real and personal, to erect and maintain buildings and facilities, and to employ all necessary personnel. The board of trustees shall consist of a judge of the family division of the circuit court in each judicial circuit that includes a participating county, 1 member appointed by the county board of commissioners from each of the participating counties, and 1 member appointed from the electors residing in each of the participating counties by the other members of the board of trustees. The board of trustees has the authority to adopt mutually agreeable procedures, rules, and regulations as to administration, financial support, and other necessary regulations. The board of trustees may accept on behalf of, and for the use of, the body corporate any gifts, grants, or bequests given or devised to the facility.
MCL 720.653