- Section 554.901 - Short title
- Section 554.903 - Definitions; A to C
- Section 554.905 - Definitions; D to L
- Section 554.907 - Definitions; M to O
- Section 554.909 - Definitions; P to R
- Section 554.911 - Definitions; S
- Section 554.913 - Continuing care community; organization and operation; purpose; member to service in advisory capacity
- Section 554.915 - Continuing care agreement; registration or exemption required; applicability to written or oral arrangements; offer or sale; conditions; circumstances
- Section 554.917 - Rules; exemption; variance; area not considered home for the aged or adult foster care facility; relationship not subject to laws between landlord and tenant
- Section 554.919 - Initial registration; submission of information; missing or unreliable information; cost of investigation; deposit of payment; registration of 2 or more retirement communities as single continuing care community; consideration of opinions, appraisals, and reports of experts; electronic transmission of application and fee
- Section 554.921 - Incomplete application; notification; order approving or denying registration
- Section 554.923 - Effect of order approving or filing registration
- Section 554.925 - Renewal of registration; application form to be sent by department
- Section 554.927 - Application for registration renewal; processing; failure to submit application or fee; continuation of current registration; failure to file renewal application
- Section 554.929 - Extension of registration; requirements; fees
- Section 554.931 - Fees; continuing care administration fund; creation; disposition; investment; money remaining at close of fiscal year; expenditures
- Section 554.933 - Reportable changes; amendment of registration
- Section 554.935 - Delivery of continuing care agreements, emergency plan, and disclosure statement; availability of feasibility study
- Section 554.937 - Disclosure statement
- Section 554.939 - Continuing care agreement; requirements
- Section 554.941 - Financial statements; requirements
- Section 554.943 - Financial forecast
- Section 554.945 - Funds to be held in trust account; deposit with escrow agent; conditions; temporary suspension order; return of escrowed funds; escrow agreement and account; requirements; release of funds
- Section 554.947 - Alternative financial arrangement
- Section 554.949 - Records; reports
- Section 554.951 - Advertising or marketing communication
- Section 554.955 - Offer or sale of continuing care agreement; prohibited acts
- Section 554.957 - Appointment of independent conservator or guardian
- Section 554.959 - Arbitration
- Section 554.961 - Service of process; irrevocable consent appointing department
- Section 554.963 - Investigations
- Section 554.965 - Review and audit of documents and records
- Section 554.967 - Repayment of entrance fee; temporary suspension
- Section 554.969 - Order denying, suspending, or revoking registration
- Section 554.971 - Cease and desist order
- Section 554.973 - Injunction, restraining order, or writ of mandamus
- Section 554.975 - Civil fine; costs; sanctions; continuing care agreement as voidable; refund
- Section 554.977 - Liability; offer of rescission
- Section 554.979 - Liability by implication; liability under other statute or common law
- Section 554.981 - Person materially aiding in act or transaction constituting violation; joint and several liability
- Section 554.983 - Statute of limitations
- Section 554.985 - Violation as felony; penalty; seizure and forfeiture of proceeds or instrumentality of crime
- Section 554.987 - Promulgation of rules
- Section 554.989 - Disclosure of filings; exemption; confidentiality of social security numbers
- Section 554.991 - Life interest or long-term lease agreement under former act
- Section 554.993 - Facility or person registered or exempt under former act