- Section 460.831 - Joint agency; formation; creation; purpose; determination of best interest
- Section 460.832 - Board of commissioners; appointment and term of commissioners
- Section 460.833 - Board of commissioners; officers; record of proceedings; custody of records, documents, minutes, and seal; copies; certificate
- Section 460.833a - Records, books, documents, and papers; exclusion from public disclosure; exception
- Section 460.834 - Joint agency as public body politic and corporate; essential public function; articles of incorporation; amendments
- Section 460.835 - Board of commissioners; quorum; effect of vacancy; action authorized by resolution; expenses
- Section 460.836 - Other municipality as member of joint agency; application; resolution; withdrawal
- Section 460.836a - Municipal unit or other political subdivision of another state or Canadian province as member of joint agency; rights, privileges, and obligations
- Section 460.837 - Joint agency; rights and powers generally
- Section 460.838 - Board of commissioners; retention of general manager of joint agency; policies; retention of independent certified public accounting firm; rules
- Section 460.839 - General manager as chief executive and operating officer of joint agency; powers and duties generally
- Section 460.840 - Determining future power requirements; considerations
- Section 460.841 - Tax levy prohibited; pledging credit or taxing power; financing projects of joint agencies
- Section 460.842 - Bonds; contractual obligations; resolution; bonds subject to revised municipal finance act; contracts or notes as to moneys advanced or property delivered; contracts pledging full faith and credit of municipality
- Section 460.842a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 applicable to petitions; penalties
- Section 460.843 - Contract for purchase of capacity and output; payments; default; furnishing money, personnel, equipment, and property; advances or contributions; repayment
- Section 460.844 - Sale or exchange of excess capacity or output
- Section 460.845 - Eminent domain
- Section 460.846 - Dissolution of joint agency; resolution; vesting of title to funds and other properties
- Section 460.847 - Annual report
- Section 460.848 - Annual audit