Section 46.63 - Finance committee; powers and dutiesThe said committee shall have power, and it is hereby expressly authorized and directed:
(a) To audit all claims which are chargeable against the county, and no warrants shall be drawn for such claim, nor the same be paid until it has been audited by the committee, as herein provided;(b) To examine the books and accounts and method of conducting all county offices and departments. In making such examination it may require the accounts and vouchers of any such officer or department to be presented, and after the same shall have been examined and audited by the committee it shall report its findings to the board of supervisors;(c) To have the immediate charge and control of the court house and jail, and to provide for the maintenance of the same in an appropriate manner under such rules and regulations as the board of supervisors may establish;(d) All requests for finances or appropriations shall first be submitted to the committee and reported by it, with its recommendations, to the board of supervisors;(e) It shall have supervision and control of all automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles owned by the county, except such as are owned or under the control of the county board of road commissioners;(f) It shall make a report to the board of supervisors, at the October session in each year, showing the number of employes in each office and department of the county, and make any recommendations it shall deem advisable, either increasing or decreasing the number of officers and employes in each department, and the salary thereof. It shall recommend whether or not it is deemed advisable to consolidate any offices or departments, giving a complete list of the employes of the county and the salary of each, and its recommendations as to the number of employes and their salaries for each ensuing year;(g) To prepare annually before the annual meeting of the board of supervisors in October, a detailed estimate of the necessary expenses of said county for the ensuing calendar year, together with an estimate of the probable receipts of the county from all sources other than taxation, and present the same at the October session of the board with the recommendations of the committee as to the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for the several purposes of the county expenditures;(h) It shall also execute and perform all orders of the board of supervisors in any matter which is not contrary to the laws of the state.1923, Act 301, Eff. 8/30/1923 ;--CL 1929, 1221 ;--CL 1948, 46.63.