Triplicate originals of the articles shall be delivered to the Michigan corporation and securities commission. If the commission finds that the articles conform to the law, it shall, when all fees and charges have been paid as required by law, file 1 of the original articles in its office, forward 1 such original articles to the county clerk of the county in which such church is to be located for filing by such county clerk, and return 1 of such original articles to the incorporators. The commission and each of the county clerks receiving articles for filing shall each certify thereon and upon all amendments thereto the date when the same were filed in their respective offices. When such articles of association and certificate aforesaid shall be filed by the Michigan corporation and securities commission in its office the said persons so signing said articles of association, and their associates and fellow members of said church, and all who may thereafter become members of said church according to the discipline, rules and usages of the United Missionary church, shall thereupon become and thenceforth be a body politic or corporation, by the name expressed in said articles of association, with all the powers, rights and privileges appertaining to religious corporations by the laws of this state.
MCL 458.526