Mich. Comp. Laws § 446.59
The provisions of this act shall not extend to the sale at public auction of livestock, farm machinery or farm produce, used homestead goods or other items commonly sold at farm or homestead sales, or to auction sales by individuals of new merchandise, which was assessed personal property tax in the state of Michigan or is replacement stock of merchandise inventory which was assessed personal property tax in the county in which the sale is to be had, and to auction sales under a mortgage foreclosure or under the direction of a court or court officers of such sales as may be required by law. The owner of the personal property specified in this section may furnish the person or persons conducting the public auction with a statement that the property set forth in the statement has been assessed as personal property in the state of Michigan or that it has been purchased as replacement for property that has been assessed, and the possession of such a statement shall absolve the person or persons to whom it is given from all liability under the provisions of this act.
MCL 446.59