Mich. Comp. Laws § 444.107
Any person who shall wilfully alter or destroy any register or certificate or receipt provided for in this chapter or issue any receipt or certificate without entering or preserving in such book the registered memorandum; or who shall knowingly issue any certificate or receipt therein provided for when the commodity or commodities therein enumerated are not in fact in the building or buildings it is certified they are in, or shall, with intent to defraud, issue a second or other certificate for any such commodity for which, or for any part of which, a former valid certificate or receipt is outstanding and in force; or shall while any valid certificate or receipt for any part of the commodities mentioned in this chapter is outstanding and in force, sell, encumber, ship, transfer or remove from the elevator, warehouse or building where the same is stored, any such certified property, or knowingly permit the same to be done, without the written consent of the holder of such certificate or receipt, or if any person knowingly receives any such property or helps to remove the same, he shall, upon conviction, be punished by fine not exceeding 10,000 dollars, or by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding 5 years.
MCL 444.107