Section 432.133 - Application for millionaire party license; procedure, form, and contents(1) An applicant for a license to conduct a millionaire party shall submit to the executive director a written application on a form prescribed by the executive director.(2) The application under subsection (1) must include all of the following: (a) The name and address of the applicant.(b) The name and address of each officer of the applicant.(c) The name of each individual who will serve as a dealer at the event and, as to each individual, whether the individual has been convicted of, forfeited bond on a charge of, or pled guilty to any of the following: (vi) Filing a false report with a governmental agency.(d) The location at which the applicant will conduct the event.(e) A description of the demarcated area for the event and an explanation of how the demarcated area will be marked.(f) The dates of the event.(g) Sufficient facts relating to the applicant's incorporation or organization to enable the executive director to determine whether the applicant is a qualified organization.(h) A sworn statement attesting to the nonprofit status of the applicant, signed by the principal officer of the applicant.(i) Other information the executive director considers necessary.Added by 2019, Act 159,s 18, eff. 12/20/2019.