- Section 432.401 - Short title
- Section 432.402 - Legislative findings and declaration
- Section 432.403 - Definitions
- Section 432.404 - Internet sports betting; conduct generally; inapplicability of act to Indian tribe; prohibited conduct; limitations on betting platform
- Section 432.405 - Michigan gaming control board; powers and duties; jurisdiction; amateur or professional athletic event
- Section 432.406 - Sports betting operator license; application; fee; form and contents; confidentiality; prohibited conduct
- Section 432.407 - Sports betting operator license; issuance and renewal; compliance requirements; Indian tribe compacts
- Section 432.408 - Sports betting supplier license; application; nonrefundable fee; confidentiality
- Section 432.409 - Michigan gaming control board; jurisdiction and supervision of internet sports betting operations; powers; investigation
- Section 432.410 - Rules
- Section 432.410a - Source of league data; requirements; notification; tier 2 sports bets
- Section 432.411 - Sports betting operator; duties; age verification requirements; unauthorized use and fraud prevention
- Section 432.412 - Statewide responsible gaming database
- Section 432.413 - Prohibited conduct; violations; penalties
- Section 432.414 - Imposition of tax; exception
- Section 432.415 - Allocation of tax
- Section 432.415a - Allocation of certain payments
- Section 432.416 - [Effective Until 4/2/2025] Internet sports betting fund
- Section 432.416 - [Effective 4/2/2025] Internet sports betting fund
- Section 432.416a - Monthly report of internet sports betting operations
- Section 432.417 - Legal shipment of gambling device
- Section 432.418 - Scope of act
- Section 432.419 - Application for license; criminal history background checks; fingerprinting