- Section 418.801 - Payment of compensation; time; manner; record; reports; daily charges as elements of loss; failure to notify carrier of disability or death; interest; detection and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse; recommendations
- Section 418.805 - Record of injuries; contents; reports to bureau
- Section 418.811 - Compensation; effect of savings, insurance, or other benefits
- Section 418.815 - Compensation; waiver of right, validity
- Section 418.821 - Assignment, attachment, or garnishment; liability as first lien on property of employer; enforcement of assignment to group disability or hospitalization insurance company, health maintenance organization, or medical care and hospital service corporation; attorney fees; self-insurer as "insurance company"; adjustment; rights of assignment of labor management health and welfare fund
- Section 418.823 - Mental incompetents or minors
- Section 418.827 - Third party liability
- Section 418.831 - Compensation; acceptance, effect
- Section 418.833 - Application for further compensation; overpayment, recoupment
- Section 418.835 - Redemption of liability from personal injury; payment of lump sum; proposed redemption agreement as lump sum application; liability of employer; hearing; notice to employer; waiver; use of fees; applicability to proposed redemption agreements of subsections (2) to (5)
- Section 418.835a - Worker's compensation administrative revolving fund; creation; administration and use of fund; carry over
- Section 418.836 - Approval of redemption agreement; findings; factors considered in making determination; employer as party
- Section 418.837 - Approval or rejection of redemption agreements and lump sum applications; review; order; appeal; finality
- Section 418.841 - Disputes or controversies concerning compensation or other benefits; submission to bureau; determination of questions arising under act; director as interested party; referral of claims to small claims division; notice; filing request for removal; hearing; representation; rules of evidence; record; claim exceeding $2,000.00; finality of decision; request for hearing under MCL 418.847
- Section 418.845 - Out-of-state injuries; jurisdiction; benefits
- Section 418.846 - Worker's compensation benefits received under law of another state for same personal injury; credit
- Section 418.847 - Setting case for mediation or hearing; hearing; order; opinion; resolution of case by mediation
- Section 418.851 - Inquiries and investigations; evidence; place of hearing; filing order with bureau; stipulations; modification or correction of errors; order of bureau
- Section 418.851a - [Repealed]
- Section 418.852 - Liability of carrier or fund; determination; reimbursement of carrier or fund
- Section 418.853 - Process and procedure; oaths; subpoenas; examination of books and records; contempt; application to circuit court
- Section 418.855 - Statement of injured employee; copy; admissibility as evidence
- Section 418.858 - Cost of hearing; fees of attorneys and physicians; disagreement as to fees; application for hearing; order; review; maximum attorney fees; rules; special order awarding fees; computation of attorney fees; limitation on fees; reduction in fees
- Section 418.859 - [Repealed]
- Section 418.859a - Filing claim for review; time; copy of testimony, depositions, and other documents
- Section 418.860 - [Repealed]
- Section 418.861 - Findings of fact conclusive; questions of law
- Section 418.861a - Hearing and decision; findings of fact; definitions; transcript and brief; copies; reply brief; cross appeal and brief; specifications; review and decision; adoption of order and opinion; scope of review; remand; analyses of evidence; findings of fact conclusive; review of questions of law; modification or correction of errors in decision
- Section 418.861b - Vexatious claim or proceedings; disciplinary action
- Section 418.862 - Claim for review as stay of payment; commencement and duration of payment; withholding benefits accruing prior to award; reimbursement of carrier; payment by carrier; interest; payments as accrued compensation in determining attorneys' fees; medical benefits
- Section 418.863 - Presentation of certified copy of order to circuit court; judgment
- Section 418.864 - Hearing by arbitrator; qualifications of arbitrator; adherence to civil rules of evidence; testimony; record; transcript; costs; place of hearing; briefs; order; opinion; findings of fact; review of questions of law; voluntary arbitration; fee of arbitrator
- Section 418.865 - Examination by physicians; fee
- Section 418.867 - Investigation commission; report, expenses
- Section 418.891 - Application of prior law; new benefit rates; saving clause; applicability of amendments to personal injuries and work-related diseases incurred on or after December 19, 2011
- Section 418.898 - Repeal
- Section 418.899 - Effective date