Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 41.185 - Township ordinance; recording and filing requirements; fees(1) Within 1 week after the publication of an ordinance as provided in section 4, the township clerk shall record the ordinance in a book of ordinances kept by him or her for that purpose; record the date of the passage of the ordinance, the names of the members of the township board voting, and how each member voted; and file an attested copy of the ordinance with the county clerk. If the ordinance adopts by reference a provision of any state statute for which the maximum period of imprisonment is 93 days or the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, the township clerk shall also file a copy of the statute with the county clerk. The township clerk shall certify under the ordinance in a blank space provided the date or dates of publication of the ordinance, the name of the newspaper in which publication was made, and the date of filing with the county clerk.(2) The county clerk shall maintain separate files for any statute filed under subsection (1) for each township in the county. The county clerk shall make the files readily available to the public.(3) The provisions of this section with regard to filing with the county clerk do not apply to a township that maintains a township office open to the public during regular hours on each business day.(4) The county clerk may charge a reasonable fee for the reproduction or furnishing of a copy of an ordinance or statute filed under subsection (1).