Mich. Comp. Laws § 388.1707a

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 388.1707a - Authorized postsecondary adult education innovation programs; department of labor and economic opportunity
(1) From the state school aid fund money appropriated in section 11, there is allocated for 2023-2024 only an amount not to exceed $15,000,000.00 to the department of labor and economic opportunity to create authorized postsecondary adult education innovation programs. The programs must be administered by the department of labor and economic opportunity in partnership with a Michigan nonprofit organization that operates in a city with a population between 195,000 and 200,000 in a county that has a population between 650,000 and 660,000. Programs funded under this section are intended to improve enrollment in and completion of adult basic education programs, including, but not limited to, synchronous and asynchronous program delivery methods, wraparound support, alignment between high school completion with postsecondary education, co-locating adult education with Michigan Works! or community colleges, and high-quality professional development.
(2) The department of labor and economic opportunity must award competitive funds under this section to eligible adult education providers, community colleges, and organizations with experience serving adult learners for the purposes described in subsection (1).
(3) Adult education providers must apply for funding in a form and manner determined by the department of labor and economic opportunity. Adult education providers that are not a district, intermediate district, or community college must identify in their application a partnership with a district, intermediate district, or community college to serve as a fiscal agent for funds received under this section.
(4) In a form and manner determined by the department of labor and economic opportunity, for pilot programs funded under this section, each adult education provider must perform a program evaluation, facilitation of communities of practice, and identification of best practices to scale pilot programs statewide. Adult education providers may use up to 5% of the funds received for these purposes.
(5) By not later than September 30 of each fiscal year in which funds allocated under subsection (1) are spent by adult education providers, the department of labor and economic opportunity must provide a report to the chairs of the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on school aid, to the house and senate fiscal agencies, and to the state budget director indicating how funds received under this section are being spent, and detailing the amounts spent, the services being provided with the funding, adult learners being reached with the funding, outcomes metrics, and recommendations for how programs could be scaled statewide.
(6) The funds allocated under this section for 2023-2024 are a work project appropriation, and any unexpended funds for 2023-2024 are carried forward into 2024-2025. The purpose of the work project is to improve enrollment in and completion of adult basic education programs. The estimated completion date of the work project is September 30, 2026.

MCL 388.1707a

Amended by 2023, Act 320,s 25, eff. 2/13/2024.
Added by 2023, Act 103,s 170, eff. 10/1/2023.
Repealed. 2004, Act 351, Eff. 10/1/2004.
Added by 2003, Act 158, s 52, eff. 8/11/2003.