Section 333.29503 - Department reporting requirements(1) By the first of each month, the department shall report all of the following to the USDA: (a) For each grower, the information provided on an application submitted under section 201.(b) Each grower's registration number.(c) The status of each grower registration.(d) Any changes or updates to a grower's information provided under subdivision (a).(e) An indication that there were no changes or updates to the reports previously submitted under this subsection, if applicable.(f) The date for which the information contained in subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (d) is current.(g) The period covered by the report.(2) If a grower is required to dispose of an industrial hemp lot under section 407, by the first of each month, the department shall report all of the following to the USDA:(a) The information provided on the grower's application submitted under section 201.(b) The grower's registration number.(c) The total acreage or square footage of industrial hemp that was disposed of.(d) The date on which the industrial hemp was destroyed.(3) Not later than December 15 of each year, the department shall report all of the following information to the USDA:(a) The total acreage of industrial hemp that was grown in the immediately preceding growing season.(b) The total acreage of industrial hemp that was harvested in the immediately preceding growing season.(c) The total acreage of industrial hemp that was disposed of in the immediately preceding growing season.Amended by 2021, Act 4,s 13, eff. 3/24/2021.Added by 2020, Act 220,s 23, eff. 10/16/2020.