Subchapter - 3. THE NATIONAL GUARD
- Section 32.601 - National guard; composition
- Section 32.605 - Commanding officers; duties and responsibilities
- Section 32.613 - Officers; appointment, qualifications; merger of national guard and reserve component
- Section 32.617 - Officers; oath required, time
- Section 32.621 - Enlistment periods
- Section 32.625 - Oath of person enlisting in national guard
- Section 32.629 - Administration of oaths and affirmations
- Section 32.633 - Enlistments and commissions; continuation after termination of national emergency; discharges
- Section 32.636 - Department-administered post-traumatic stress disorder questionnaire and traumatic brain injury questionnaire
- Section 32.637 - Certificates of discharge; discharge before expiration of term; presentment to home counties for recording