- Section 259.801 - Airport authority; formation, charter; population specifications
- Section 259.802 - Airport authority board; number, appointment, and qualifications of members
- Section 259.803 - Airport authority board; members, term, vacancy
- Section 259.804 - Airport authority board; removal of member
- Section 259.805 - Additional counties joining authority
- Section 259.806 - Airport authority board; first meeting; election of officers; conducting business at public meeting; notice; corporate seal; executive committee; expenses; quorum; legal majority
- Section 259.807 - Airport authority as body corporate; other airports; powers
- Section 259.808 - Airport authority board; meetings; records; availability of certain writings to public; system of accounts; audit; treasurer's bond; executive director; rules and policies; interest in contract prohibited; personal liability
- Section 259.809 - Airport authority; powers, duties and limitations; elections
- Section 259.810 - Budget; contents; adoption; annual report
- Section 259.811 - Local units contributions; certification, payment; tax, rate, limitation
- Section 259.812 - Revenue bonds; purpose
- Section 259.813 - State employees; transfer provisions, rights
- Section 259.814 - Operative sections
- Section 259.815 - Capital city airport; transfer
- Section 259.816 - Terminal building; transfer
- Section 259.817 - [Repealed]
- Section 259.818 - Property rights reserved by state; descriptions
- Section 259.819 - State's free use of facilities
- Section 259.820 - Transfer of existing contracts and agreements
- Section 259.821 - Act contingent as to federal funding
- Section 259.822 - Repeal
- Section 259.823 - Referendum